Members of the Student Affairs Office
I. Establishment and development
The Office of Student Affairs (formerly the Office of Student Management and Political Work, established in 1998, led by Huynh Cong Xuyen, M.A, including 9 members).
In 2004, the Office merged with the Office of Academic Affairs according to the Rector's decision.
On April 28, 2007, the Rector issued Decision No. 148/QĐ-ĐHLH on establishing the Office of Student Affairs, by splitting the Office of Academic Affairs.
In years, the structure of the Office of Student Affairs has been changing to adapt to the development of the University.
II. Functions
1. Adviser the Rector to manage student affairs pursuant to the MOET's regulations and the Rector's assignments.
III. Responsibilities
Acting as a counselor for the Rector to implement the following duties